Kenya Highlands Sacco

Finance Department

Achieve Your Financial Goals with Our Savings Accounts


Finance Department

Kenya Highlands Sacco Society is a financial institution whose main activity is saving and credit.  This basically means the core business of the organization is resource mobilization especially deposits so as to provide diversified competitive financial product and service through efficient professional management and establishment of service centre for best returns to members and stakeholders.

You would agree with me that the finance department will be key to ensuring that the above core business is realized in collaboration with other departments.  Some of its key function, include – budget making and monitoring liquidity & investment management, pricing and placing of product and service, ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in utilization of resources, preparation of financial statements and reporting as per international reporting standards and period i.e reporting to the regulator and ensuring compliance to the laws and regulation that governs the deposit taking Sacco business.

We Offer Financial & Superior Services

The society is a deposit taking sacco undertaking FOSA and BOSA activities.