Micro Credit Loan
Micro Credit Loan
1. Available to Group members who meet the requirements
2. Four(4) times the savings with the Society but subject to the ability to repay
3. Interest of 13 % p.a reducing balance
4. Repayable within 12months
5. 1% appraisal fee
6. Kes 200 risk Management Fee for loans less than Kes 20,000 and 1%for loans above Kes 20,001
7.Loan repaid monthly
8.One month grace period
9.Minimum for the first loan is ksh 20,000
10. Maximum amount of ksh.100,000
1.Groups of 10-20 members
2.Group must save for atleast2 months
3.All group members savings guarantee the individual members loan
4.Additional Monthly savings of 5% of the amount of loan issued to be deducted on loan given
5.Dully filled application form