Loan Product
Boresha Loan
Boresha Loan
It’s a business loan given three times business deposits. First loan is up to a maximum ksh100,000 and subsequent loan It’s a business loan given three times business deposits. First loan is up to a maximum ksh100,000 and subsequent loan is upto ksh700,000. Repayable daily, weekly or monthly in 6 to 24 months.
16% interest rate.
Must have been a member in the Society for at least 4 months, must be fully guaranteed, dully filled application form, Site visit must and prove of business ownership and appraisal must be done prio to loan issuing process. Ability to pay will be based on 50% on net income
upto ksh700,000. Repayable daily, weekly or monthly in 6 to 24 months.
16% interest rate.
Must have been a member in the Society for at least 4 months, must be fully guaranteed, dully filled application form, Site visit must and prove of business ownership and appraisal must be done prior to loan issuing process. Ability to pay will be based on 50% on net income